UL Info Case Study

Internet publication “Ul info”
Recognising the potential of mobile journalism (MoJo) for increasing the efficiency, versatility, and responsiveness of media, Ul info aimed to integrate MoJo in its newsroom processes. To achieve this, they devised an ambitious plan that in just 4 months meant they had to get the required equipment, train 10 reporters in the art of MoJo, and create and implement an environmental campaign relying on 14 pieces of video content.
Ul info had a clear set of goals and a strong team ready to implement the project. The process of procuring equipment and organising MoJo training for reporters was straightforward. Therefore, most of the mentoring process was focused on the environmental campaign – its tagline, messaging, episodes, additional activities. While understanding the range of environmental issues faced by people in Ulcinj, as well having connections with relevant institutional players, Ul info team needed a bit of help in shaping their messaging and involving the community in their efforts in order to make their work even more impactful.

Name of the media:

Internet publication “Ul info”


Sanja Gardašević

Founded in:



The idea

Recognising the potential of mobile journalism (MoJo) for increasing the efficiency, versatility, and responsiveness of media, Ul info aimed to integrate MoJo in its newsroom processes. To achieve this, they devised an ambitious plan that in just 4 months meant they had to get the required equipment, train 10 reporters in the art of MoJo, and create and implement an environmental campaign relying on 14 pieces of video content.

The mentoring process

This project was focused on capacity building – sourcing equipment, training reporters in MoJo and learning how to design and promote environmental campaign directed towards the general public of Ulcinj. Ul info team also used the opportunity for capacity building in storytelling, which they again connected to their work on the campaign and making their general MoJo reports even more engaging.

The mentoring worked as an ongoing conversation about current activities – sharing thoughts and advice, organising brainstorming sessions when needed, and planning out next steps.

This was a very successful project precisely because it resonated with the needs of our community. As such, it resulted in great cooperation with relevant institutions, local government, civic sector, and citizens at large, and produced concrete actions on the field in terms of cleanup of illegal dumping grounds.
The project was also designed to fit the needs of our media. With this project, we managed to integrate mobile journalism in our newsroom processes. This allowed us to, aside from producing more diverse content, stengthen our capacities and give everyone the opportunity to be part of the newsroom and tell their story.

–  Sanja Gardašević, CEO

This project is a great example of how much media can achieve with strategic focus on newsroom development. As we near the end of mentoring, I am left with a sense of accomplishment and knowing that Ul info utilised this opportunity to create significant change within their newsroom and in their community.

Challenges we Faced

Ul info team knows how to play to their individual strengths, has a clear division of roles and tasks, and approaches any activity with great professionalism. In such context, there are hardly any challenges that cannot be surpassed.
So, the only two I would mention were the issues with finding the MoJo equipment itself as there were not many vendors, and the challenge of getting people from Ulcinj to fill the ECR survey and send the examples of illegal dumping in their neighborhoods.
In the end, the equipment was sourced, while the ECR survey recorded 3 survey answers, with many more people reaching out to the media team directly after seeing the survey call.


Ul info now has successfully implemented everything they set as goals at the beginning of the project and more.

As a result of this project, Ul info now has:

  • a well-trained team of MoJo reporters with several pieces of published MoJo content in their portfolio,
  • implemented environmental campaign that utilised different online (several MoJo news reports; using ECR tool to map locations of illegal dumps) and offline (visit to a kindergarden in Ulcinj and organising a planting of flowers in their garden) tools and channels to spread their message,
  • 12 new pieces of mobile video content, 2 studio shows, implemented ECR survey, and increased use of Instagram as a communication tool,
  • reactive action on the side of local authorities that have started cleaning up illegal dumps and fining locals for illegal trash disposal practices; it is also important to note that local authorities started sharing the campaign messages and news reports on their pages, thus providing support to the campaign cause,
  • deepened relationship with NGOs working in the area of environmental protection as potential future partners.

Examples of content created as part of the project:

1. Mavrijan – from viewing point to an illegal dump (content created as part of the MoJo training)

News report: https://fb.watch/h-UFHxrvHa/

Article that commends the quick reaction of relevant authorities on cleaning up the illegal dump after the publishing of the news report: https://mne.ul-info.com/nakon-pisanja-naseg-portala-pohvale-za-brzu-reakciju-komunalnih-djelatnosti/

Article shared by the Facebook page of local authorities:

2. Illegal dumps on the Long beach in Ulcinj (first news report created as part of the campaign)

News report: https://fb.watch/hZDFp5XQBA/

Article that again addresses the quick reaction of the authorities: https://mne.ul-info.com/akcija-na-velikoj-plazi-posla-ima-puno-otpada-jos-vise/

Article shared by the Facebook page of local authorities

3. Border crossing Sukobin-Muriqan

News report: https://fb.watch/hZHXsl8j3Y/

Article about several subjects being fined by the Communal Police for illegal dumping, as the Communal Police of Ulcinj strengthened the implementation of punitive measures: https://mne.ul-info.com/komunalna-policija-nekoliko-osoba-ce-biti-kaznjeno-zbog-nepropisnog-odlaganja-otpada/>

Article shared by the Facebook page of local authorities:

It is important to note that these subjects were identified with the help of citizens who took photos of their illegal dumping practices and shared them.

4. ECR survey

ECR tool was used to encourage citizens to send pictures of illegal dumps in their neighbourhood: https://mne.ul-info.com/za-cistiji-ulcinj-posaljite-fotografije-nelegalnih-deponija-u-ulcinju/

Ulcinj info Facebook post on the topic, which had 18 comments:

5. The view of environmental activists

News report: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=853958549278476

The campaign aimed to involve environmental activists as well by allowing their voice to be heard on the topic.

6. Ecology day at the “Arushi Pu” kinderden

News report: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1611187899303508

The campaign also involved the youngest citizens of Ulcinj. Ul.info news team visited one of the local kindergartens where they talked about ecology and the importance of keeping our environment clean, and worked on planting flowers in their garden. They asked them what they think – how can we keep Ulcinj clean and beautiful, to which they gave adorable but very insightful responses.