Journalift Talks with Vladimira Dorčova Valtner: OSCE person of the year in Serbia

Vladimira Dorčova Valtner, an experienced journalist and editor, won the OSCE Person of the Year Award in 2021 for an outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of ethical journalism, freedom of expression and especially information in the languages ​​of national minorities.

After a successful journalistic and editorial career in her home town of Maglić, Vladimira, whose mother tongue is Slovak, founded the Storyteller, a portal published in Slovak and Serbian. She is also working as a social media manager for the Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina and is very active in a project supported by the Media for All project on behalf of her association, and the Vojvodina Research Centre – VOICE. Davor Marko from Thomson Foundation spoke with Vladimira just before the New Year holidays.


Publication year: 2022