Monitoring Media Pluralism in the Digital Era

Monitoring Media Pluralism in the Digital Era

Application of the media pluralism monitor in the European Union, Albania and Turkey in the years 2018-2019 : report 2020

This report presents the results and the methodology of the Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM2020), a tool geared at assessing the risks to media pluralism in EU member states and selected candidate countries (30 European countries in total). The Media Pluralism Monitor has been implemented, on a regular basis, by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom, since 2013/2014 (last implementation MPM2017), based on a holistic perspective, taking into account legal, political and economic variables that are relevant to analysing the levels of plurality of media systems in a democratic society. 

Authors: Elda Brogi, Roberta Carlini, Iva Nenadic, Pier Luigi Parcu, Mario Viola de Azevedo Cunha
Publisher: European University Institute
Language: English
Publication year: 2020
Format: PDF

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